Thursday, December 26, 2019

A house divided

There is little less--actually nothing more--disappointing than discovering a sibling supports Donald Trump. And that this sibling thinks the impeachment trial nothing more than a waste of time and money. Instead of seeing Trump as the traitor he is, the view held here is that Nancy Pelosi is a criminal.

I guess the fact that the Donald has no love for us, only he and his own selfish self-centered needs; the fact that Donald has betrayed our country, our allies, and worst of all, every single American; the fact that he is a spiteful, vengeful, petty little man; the fact he demeans his detractors, his so-called enemies, foreigners, women, the disabled, and gays (and anyone who is a "neverTrumper").

Remember his holiday greetings a few years back? "Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!" This is the mentality of the man. What kind of leader says something so hateful? And who and why would someone follow someone so petty?

He thinks he knows better than us, he thinks he is smarter than everyone else (just ask him about wind turbines) and has no moral compunction about walking on our backs to get to what he desires. Just ask all the businesses, all the people, he has destroyed.

I guess these things make no difference. Needless to say, I am seriously disheartened that about half of my siblings are so misinformed, and seem to be happily so.

If this were any other person, I would say everyone is entitled to their [stupid] opinion, no matter how wrong, but this is not just anybody. This is a sibling whose opinion I care about, and it saddens me deeply about this turn of events.

For strangers, this would be easy. I do not owe someone I do not know anything, but a family member? How do you deal with someone you hold in regard? I won't mince words, this hurts.

I honestly do not know how this will turn out.

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