Thursday, November 26, 2020

For these things, I am thankful

It is this time of year where we offer our "what we are thankful for." Problem is, 2020 has been pretty bleak for so, so many. Still, I think there is much we can find to be thankful about.

I find it hard to say what I am personally thankful for. I have plenty of things of which I could say, but I find doing so unseemly. It strikes me as bragging. Simply said, I have food, I have shelter from the elements above my head, I know so many struggles to meet these essentials and sometimes wonder if I am worthy. What makes me any better than those less fortunate?

BUT let me say that there are so many people I can say I am thankful for who have journeyed with me so far and made this life one worth living. In my immediate circle, there is my son Wes and my friends who I see often. Shane, Matt, Anthony, Jim, Tom, Roger, Sherri, John, Ben, and in recent months someone who has made an immeasurable life-altering difference in my life, Stephen. I cannot imagine living without any of these wonderful people.

I can say this in no other way: I am blessed.

I am thankful for the friends of whom I do not see enough, my Navy friends, and those who grew up with, and those of who I worked with and came to call friends.

I am thankful for my parents' health. My siblings too. I come from a huge family. Being the oldest of ten, I sometimes feel we do not see one another enough. There are my aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins.

I am not an overly religious man, I do try to find a way to be spiritual and live a life of good faith. I do believe there is a force that guides us, looks out for us, and I am thankful to have had many opportunities to serve in a way that brings some semblance of comfort (for me and most importantly, for others).

As I said, and you all know this to be true, this has been a hard year, perhaps the most difficult any of us will ever face. I do think we shall see better days soon, and those days will be ones that will serve to remind us that when things seem at their worst, what we have and really need is ourselves and those we hold dear.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


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