Sunday, December 13, 2020

Do you have a special Christmas memory? I do.


Do you have a favorite Christmas memory? I have told this story many times over the years... and it means as much to me today as it did all those years ago.

When I was nine years old, my parents had recently divorced. At that time I was the eldest of four (now ten + three step-siblings) and my Mom worked hard being a single Mom. Sure, Dad was still in our lives but anyone who thinks a split home is easy has never experienced that reality.

Anyway, this first Christmas Mom took us, kids, to B&B's, a downtown Rochester, IN, family clothier to shop for Christmas.

To this day, I don't remember the exact details, but as we started to leave we were invited back into the store. My two brothers, sister, and I were then allowed to pick out a shirt, slacks, socks, and a winter coat.

That store, long gone, epitomizes the reason for the season. It is one of those childhood memories I always remember when I see families struggling during the holidays. That kindness of this 1966 Christmas still moves me to tears. 

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