Thursday, February 15, 2024

Where ?


* "I'm just going to the Super Bowl celebration tonight. I'll be safe there."

* "My children are at school. Who doesn't love children? Who would want to harm them?"

* "Honey, I'm going to the grocery store. Be back soon."

* I am going out for a jog. I won’t be bothering anyone."

* "Hi, Dad. I love it here at college."

* "Postage stamps are up again. At least it's safe here."

* "I cannot wait to get home from work, but yeesh, the traffic is at a standstill."

* "This concert in Las Vegas is so great! I'm having a ball!"

* "Hey Susie! Wanna go to the mall?"

* "The Godzilla movie is coming out tonight. Wanna go early? It's going to be packed!"

* "Honey, I'll be late tonight. Don't forget tonight is our men's league baseball game at the park."

* "I love my job at the Capitol Building."

* "I'm minding my own business."

* "We're going to the Black Lives Matter rally."

* "My car broke down. Can I use your phone to call for a tow truck?"

* "Honey, do you need anything from Walmart?"

* "(knock knock) "I'm lost. Can you tell me where the nearest (fill in the blank) is?"

* "I just heard gunshots down the street. Thankfully, we're safe in our home."

* "I'm walking home from my friend's dinner party." **

* "Man, work has been so intense of late. They just fired Tom."

* "Church services were great last Sunday. Can't wait to go back tomorrow."

* "What are you doing in this neighborhood?"

* "My gun is tucked safely away under my bed where no one can find it. Johnny, you stay out of my room!"

* "Not sure why, but the Proud Boys are protesting at the library."

* "Can you show me your driver's license?"

Tell me, what has happened to our country, our world?

** My friend Eric's son was killed walking home one summer night on a "safe" Philadelphia street.

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