Sunday, June 26, 2022

*shudder* They went and did it!

My first thought about yesterday’s horrendous Supreme Court ruling that overturned Roe v Wade is this: for all of you who just couldn’t bring yourself to vote for Senator Hillary Clinton in 2016, **ck you! Now look where we find ourselves. 

This same thought applies to the court’s ruling the day before regarding gun control. 

Thought number 2: vote! Vote consistently. Vote in local elections. Vote in state elections. AND vote in federal elections. Vote for the best candidates. You won’t be surprised that I will say vote Democrat. But voting alone is not enough. Attend government meetings. Attend school board meetings. Get involved. Write your leaders. Write often, always reminding them we are watching and that we vote. Again, voting alone is not enough. We must hold our leaders accountable! We must hold their feet over the coals (no, not literally). Example? When Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett were questioned for their confirmation hearings, our leaders treated the candidates with kid gloves. 

When asked their thoughts about Roe v Wade, all three said "the ruling was the law of the land."  I am sorry, that is NOT an answer! When questioned, Amy Barrett said she would not answer questions about hypothetical scenarios. Why the hell not? And why the **ck did our leaders let her get away with that??? 

We must be more aggressive (that does not mean violent) in our interactions with our elected leaders. It is more and more obvious our elected leaders (Republicans), and the judicial system, are not acting with our best interests in mind. Be a thorn, maybe even a pest! Get involved! 

Thought number 3: if you believed the Supreme Court Justices are non-partisan, you are naive. 

Thought number 4: Justice Alito, Justice Thomas, Justice Barrett, and maybe the rest of the conservative justices believe that if the Constitution does not implicitly word for word mention a right, it is then not a guaranteed protected right. Think about that. Think hard. Abortion is not mentioned in the constitution: a right to contraception is not mentioned; same sex marriage is not mentioned; owning an assault military style weapon was not something our founding fathers could ever have envisioned; multi-racial marriage is not mentioned; protections for our transgender children/citizens is not mentioned in our constitution. 

None of these aforementioned rights are implicitly mentioned. These Justices believe the Constitution is a static document, i.e., not a living, breathing document where added amendments are valid. 

Of course, the founding fathers would not have mentioned these things. Why would they? In the 18th century, wives were considered property of their husbands. Hell, when a husband died, the property, more often than not, went to the sons, not their wives. Blacks were property too. Native Americans were godless heathens and not true citizens. Homosexuality was an abomination and punishable by death. Our founding fathers would never have considered permitting mixed-race marriages, but those same men had no problem raping their females slaves. Don’t we have a delightful, pristine heritage? *sarcasm* 

And I cannot, for one instant, believe our founding fathers would be okay with our citizens having access to guns that can mow down dozens, if not hundreds, of people in the blink of an eye. If these strict interpretationalist justices prevail, we could be living in troubled times, my friends. 

Thought number 5: Supreme Court Justice Thomas wrote yesterday that he thinks the Supreme Court erred in its rulings regarding contraception, the right to privacy between intimate consenting adults (i.e., sex between same gender adults), and the right to same sex marriage. He even went as far as publicly saying the court should revisit these three rulings. Judge Samuel Alito says overturning Roe v Wade has absolutely nothing to do with same sex marriage. *wink* Ri-ii-ght. 

You don’t want to know what I think about these two privileged POS. 

Thought Number 6: Save one, yesterday's ruling overturning Roe v Wade was spearhead solely by men (except Amy Coney Barrett who is a religious zealot). Pro-lifers are all about saving a fetus, but afterwards when a mother needs help, *crickets* They are cruel beyond measure. I say stay the **ck out of other people's lives. It is none of your damn business! 

80% of children who live in a one parent home, live with their mothers. Where are the fathers? I don't think I would be wrong in saying a significant number of these children have limited equity. contact, if at all, with their fathers. Since it is a fact women earn something like 70 cents on the dollar compared to men. Women are automatically struck by inequities. Nearly 12 million American children live in poverty. 

Again, where are pro-lifers now? 

In some states, abortion laws are absolute. No exemptions. Rape, incest, no excuse. Too bad, too sad. Women are forced to carry that child. If a fetus is determined to developmentally unviable, tough. If a woman's life is in danger if she cares a fetus to delivery, again too bad. Abortion laws place an unfair burden on women. Let's not forget, men are necessary for a women to be impregnated, but men are rarely held accountable. 

Abortion laws are predicated on one thing, and one thing only. Men want control over women's bodies. Plain and simple. 

Thought Number 7: Term limits for Supreme Court Justices. Note: I even thought the wonderful (Notorious) RBG should have retired years earlier, and she was on my side. This thought applies to Congress as well.

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